Animal Safety in Summer Heat Temperatures

Animal Safety in Summer Heat Temperatures

Animal Safety in Summer Heat 

When there’s more sunlight and higher temperatures, ensuring your pets are safe and healthy is important. Take necessary precautions with your furry family members. Animal Hospital in Union Grove, WI, can present tips to help keep your animals safer during the summer. Be sure to take them to an animal hospital if they experience discomfort or serious health issues. 

Keep Pets Off Hot Pavement 

Pets can get burns on their paws when you bring them on walks across scorching hot pavement. Put your hand on the pavement outside your home to test how hot it is, before you allow them to walk on it. Bring them on a walk during the early morning and late evening hours, as the ground tends to be cooler.

Provide Plenty of Water 

You must give your pets plenty of cool, clean water multiple times daily. You can put ice cubes in the water bowl to keep it cool longer.

Avoid Leaving Your Pet in a Vehicle

When you leave your car outside a store, don’t leave your animal inside. Even if you have the windows open a bit, the temperature rises fast. Leaving an animal in the car can cause heat stroke and harm your pets.

Give Your Pet a Comfortable Spot 

Your pets should have access to areas around your home and yard that are well-ventilated and offer decent shade. You might fill a kiddie pool with shallow water to stay cool and have fun. If you can’t do this or want different options, place a damp towel in a few of your pets’ favorite places.


It’s a good idea to groom your pets when they’re shedding. Grooming prevents overheating and gives them better air circulation. Talk to our veterinarian since some breeds have a coat that protects them from the sun's harsh rays.

Contact Our Professional Veterinarian Team

Reach out to Animal Hospital in Union Grove, WI, if your pet seems lethargic or acts differently on hot days. We’re pleased to help you keep your pet safe and healthy. Call us at (262) 878-3333 to schedule an appointment.

Give us a call at (262) 878-3333 today!

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